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A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam

A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam





A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam




A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam






A delegation consisting of journalists and media experts from the United States visited the liberated territories of Azerbaijan.




Aghdam, “Hiroshima” of the Caucasus, was the first destination of the foreign journalists. An employee of the Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA) informed the American guests about the land mines massively planted by the Armenian armed forces on occupied territories, including the Aghdam region. ANAMA employee also answered the questions of the journalists who witnessed the explosion of two land mines.

Then, the employee of the special Representation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the liberated territories of the Karabakh Economic Region (except Shusha district) gave information about historical, cultural and religious monuments exposed to the Armenian vandalism.

The journalist from the United States visited Juma Mosque, Alley of Martyrs and the building of Aghdam Drama Theatre. Looking at the old photos and current state of the monuments, the journalists felt deep regret and astonishment.





The guests also got familiarized with the restoration works carried out in Aghdam region and visited the Aghdam Conference Center.

Employees of the State Committee accompanied the delegation on Diaspora Work.





The delegation included Azerbaijani journalist Vusala Abbasova, student of Yale University and reporter of US bureau of the “Report” Information Agency, Afram Kosafi, head of the UN bureau of “Arab News”, former representative of the world’s leading media organizations in the conflict regions of Afghanistan, Iraq and South Lebanon (who worked for many years as a war correspondent (Fox TV, CNN, Al Jazeera), Paola Vargas, New York and Washington correspondent of the well-known television network of the Republic of Colombia (Caracol TV and Canal )famous blog writer, Paolo von Shirac, founder and chief of “Schirach Report” Selcuk Acar, photojournalist of the US bureau of “Anadolu” Agency, founder of “Turkish Journal” and Calvin Dark, president of “RC Communications”, well-known journalist and political commentator.





On the first day of their visit to Baku, the delegation had meetings at the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Committee on Work with Diaspora. The guests also got acquainted with Heydar Aliyev Centre and “Icherisheher” State Historical-Architecture Reserve.








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